1:1 Holistic Performance Coach for High-Achieving Executives and Founders

Enjoy peak performance while achieving contentment.
Be the leader who inspires.

Start prioritizing well-being, succeeding with ease and inspiring action.

I help you untangle your self-worth from achievement so that you can;

Take back your time.
Lead with influence.
Make a bigger impact.

standards hold you back.

Stop letting impossible

Alex James – Executive Coaching

Stop letting impossible standards hold you back.

Start prioritizing well-being, succeeding with ease and inspiring action.

I help you untangle your self-worth from achievement so that you can;

Take back your time.
Lead with influence.
Make a bigger impact.

Aley James – Executive Coaching

When it comes to supreme performance, many believe their personal contentment is a "nice to have". After working with hundreds of purpose-led leaders, I know it's essential.


✓ You’re an ambitious leader invested in fulfilling your potential but your unrelenting high standards are holding you back. The pressure is exhausting & the hamster wheel of achievement feels endless.

✓ You’ve got the title, wealth & reputation, now you want more from life. You’re realising what got you here won’t get you there because you can see the same patterns repeat themselves.

✓ You’re on the precipice of big success & want to ensure you make the most of every opportunity.

“Alex is a great executive coach, always challenging and insightful and provides unique perspectives that encourage you to reconsider the norm. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Alex and would recommend her to others looking for an inspiring coach.”

Cheryl Maley, CEO & Board Member

To maximise your impact & potential, you have to Master your self-awareness, wellbeing & influence.

But there’s a problem...

  • You say you want “balance,” but in reality, you know it’s impossible. Keeping your goal elusive keeps you stuck.

  • You unconsciously fear contentment = complacency, so believe you “need” your self-doubt to fuel your ambition.

  • You’re a people-first leader, but confuse that with taking too much responsibility leading to exhaustion, frustration, resentment, and loneliness.

  • You’ve spent your life following society’s definition of success, so now you’re confused about what it means for you.

  • Your self-sabotage patterns, mindset limitations, and blind spots stop you from seeing how you’re getting in your own way, holding yourself back from your potential.

  • You value freedom and adventure, but your over-developed analytical mind stops you from taking action - blaming money, responsibilities, and time.

You hide your boredom with busyness and distract from discontent with short highs of achievement.


Alex James – Executive Coaching Mentorship

Despite what you fear, finding fulfilment doesn't require you to throw away everything you worked hard for.

What you want is possible - it just looks different to what you think...

It's less what you're doing, and more how you're doing it.

It's less the system, and more your expectations of yourself…

STOP Unhealthy striving that leads to burnout, dissatisfaction & isolation

START Prioritising your health, personal goals & deeply fulfiling relationships

STOP Letting work and stress suffocate your evenings, weekends & holidays

START Living intentionally, focusing mindfully & taking purposeful action 

STOP Defining success & self worth by meaningless markers like status & approval

START Recognising your achievements & feeling content where you're at while driven towards your vision that excites you

"After a couple of conversations, it was clear Alex saw me and could help me grow. I didn’t need a kick in the pants or another therapist - what was required was Alex - authentic and honest as f*ck. Brave, bold, kind, patient, wise and with more empathy than anybody I have ever met.

From our second session, I felt the energy shift. Days filled with endless hustle and ‘doing’ became full of wonder and ‘being’. The voice of my inner critic got quiet and faded into the background.

Alex’s intuition and artful expression of it, has opened doors and invited me to explore possibilities for which I will be forever grateful.”

Scott Mckean, Peloton Cyber - CEO

Isn't it time to make work and life better?

Re-discover what you want from your life. Then, create one you wake up excited for.


✓ Establish new rules, and decide how you want life and work to be for you...

✓ Stop the burnout cycle, and spend more time playing, relaxing and intentionally living ...

✓ Be truly grateful for the life you’ve created for yourself…

Alex James — Private Coaching for individuals

Your contentment creates peak performance.

Creating success starts with learning to do so without sacrificing who you are and what's important to you.

To create synergy between achievement at work with the joys of life.

To live with presence and ease and create a fulfilling life filled not only with accolades and wealth - but also intimacy, well-being, and wealth in every facet.

With 3000 + hours of coaching study & experience, working intimately with hundreds of leaders globally, I can confidently tell you there is a better way.

  • Create success with more ease

  • Experience optimal health and well-being

  • Have clarity on your values, purpose and mission

During a 6-month one-on-one coaching partnership, I help high-achievers fulfil their potential as leaders. 

My style invites deep reflection and compassionate challenge alongside generous laughter and playful curiosity.

My coaching uses a multidimensional approach, drawing upon the evidence-based methodologies of human behavioural psychology, neuroscience and leadership theory. 

→ Have expert help with navigating challenges & leveraging opportunities

→ Feel supported within an objective, confidential, judgement-free space

→ Dedicated space to strategise your personal & professional fulfilment

Package Structure

Our 1:1 partnership will be tailored based on your needs – over the course of our time together covering the areas most applicable to you.


Pre-Alignment Questions: Gain clarity on where you are & where you want to go. This helps define our direction & measure success.

2 x Monthly Coaching Calls: Outcome-focused deep-dive sessions honing in on your specific opportunities & proactively addressing challenges. Here, we explore the roots of what’s holding you back & solve it.

Walking Phone Calls: Integrating nature and movement, these flexible in-between sessions support you when unanticipated challenges arise. These are invaluable in helping you “win” by integrating new behaviours when the stakes are high. 

Resources: I’ll recommend books, podcasts, articles etc to help expand on concepts, embed new insights and support success.

Alex James – Executive Coaching

Hey there, I’m Alex, your coach.

I believe our lives get to be our masterpieces and I adore helping you create yours.


  • Deeply reflective & curious

  • Honest, direct & compassionately challenging

  • Playful & irreverent - we will enjoy generous laughter

  • Committed & excited about you & your goals

  • Outcome & progress focused


  1. Honesty: Coaching is essentially uncovering your truth to facilitate your growth, so without it, I can’t help you.

  2. Commitment: I can’t be working harder than you for you - it doesn’t work. You need to want the best for you as much as I do.

Still have questions?

Send me a message and let me know what’s holding you back. 
We’ll see if my coaching is the right fit for you.