Do Everything On Your Bucket List In 12 Months (Copy)

I live in Manly.

Cue everyone: “Cool… Do you surf?”

Me: “No” (my subtle sense of pride confusing them)

“Learn to surf” was pinned on my bucket list for almost a decade along with a blonde-haired beach babe smiling back at me (apparently) “inspiring” me.

A decade of best intentions later – I hadn't taken one lesson.

You have these. Things you say you want but make little to no progress on.

The dream body
A 4-month trip
Learning a language

Problem is, they're distracting you.

In 2016, a pivotal lesson led me to tick off 80% of my list in less than 12 months.

Here’s how…

I joined a gym that, as well as training “normal” people like me, also trained elite fitness models.

By receiving this intimate insight into the commitment required for the body I *said* I wanted, I was invited to ask myself through a realistic lens… “am I prepared to do what they do?”

The answer - no, I wasn’t.

The reality - I didn’t want it enough. AHH THE FREEDOM!

Thanks to this humbling insight, I audited my entire list through this simple interrogation:

  1. What do I want?

  2. Why do I want it?

  3. Am I prepared to do what it takes?

Two things can happen here:

1. You realise your “why” is weak.

e.g. you think it will make you seem cooler, hotter or smarter.


2. You realise you aren’t willing to do what it takes to have it.

Basically, you want fantasy, not reality.

This is called a pipe dream.

And it’s wasting precious space.

When it came to my imagined future-surfer-self, I saw that tanned girl looking effortlessly cool and asked myself, was I willing to:

Swallow a tonne of saltwater for my perceived future coolness?

Get in the freezing ocean consistently enough to reap the rewards?

Drop a few gees on gear and lessons?


So I quit draining energy contemplating it and wasting space entertaining it.

Thanks to this (dis)qualification criteria I also culled doing pull-ups and learning Spanish.

Was I being lazy and non-committal?


I was being ruthlessly honest and in integrity.

The secret to doing everything on your list is this:

STOP pretending you want things you AREN’T willing to do the work for.

Overcoming your romanticised idea of a cooler, hotter, smarter future version of you means you focus on what you’re genuinely excited to sacrifice for.

Then, you get hustling!

After deleting the dead weight, I started taking inspired action on the rest previously lost in the noise.

I went all-in on:

→ My Coaching Studies
→ Kickboxing 
→ Hiking

I discovered that the perseverance and pain these required didn’t feel hard at all.

I didn’t want to eat sh&! on the sand, but I was happy to get kicked in the face.

Because the truth is:

False desires of the ego feel like a battle,
True desires of the soul feel like fun.

The hard you *choose* feels easy.

So go yourself by asking yourself:

Am I willing to do what it takes?

If not, delete it.

If YES, go do it!


increasing your capacity for success