A Strategy for Smart People Stuck In Self-Doubt

Drop The 'Why' - Your Ticket Out Of Self-Doubt Maze?

Why is often lauded as the ultimate investigative tool. Techniques like the 'Seven Whys' dissect issues to their roots and even Simon Sinek champions it to navigate organisational purpose. The power of probing is undisputed.

However, there lies a dangerous trap for the unwary, smart individuals caught up in an infinite loop of 'Why'. It’s where 'why' turns from helpful to harmful.

Ever asked yourself - “Why am I like this?” “Why can’t I get it right?” “Why am I back here?” These seemingly introspective questions, instead of leading to clarity, perpetuate a cycle of self-doubt.

You dig and dig, hoping to unearth a revelation that suddenly 'makes sense' of everything. An epiphany that once and for all 'fixes' you. Here's the hard truth, there isn't one.

The stubborn refusal to accept any rational answer, perpetuates your narrative of self-deficiency - “I'm broken” “I’m unlovable” “I’m not good enough”.

Stuck in this spiral, the familiar feelings of self-condemnation feel 'safe' but they fail to spur positive action.

Pondering over 'why' can lead to transformation, but it can also become a convenient cop-out. Time to switch gears. Lay down the 'why' and take up the 'Now What?'


1. The answer may well lie in the beautiful imperfection of being human.

2. Not all truths are discoverable, cease the futile wait.

3. The reason behind doesn't always matter.

So perhaps, concentrate on:

→ The result you seek.

→ Experimenting with new approaches to achieve it.

Creating new stories leads to new paths, and walking new paths weaves new stories. When the 'why' leaves you stuck, maybe it's time to check 'Now What?' into play.

Gear up, the journey awaits you.


increasing your capacity for success


Escaping My Existential Crisis