Escaping My Existential Crisis

I was gifted an excruciating existential crisis seven years ago.

To escape its depths, I was forced to stop lying to myself.

No more:

“Maybe this is as good as it gets.”

“I just need to be more disciplined.”

“Maybe there’s something wrong with me”

I quit pretending that...

High achievement in a job I didn’t want was success.

Consistent stress, anxiety, and health issues were acceptable.

I stopped distracting myself with:

Social (binge) drinking

Saying yes to every “opportunity.”

Pretending the ideal body would solve everything

I overcame my deepest fears of:




One pilgrimage through the Himalayas, two life-shifting choices, and approximately 4,382,475 lessons later – I’ve discovered that:

  1. The better it gets, the better it gets.

  2. The way we see ourselves shapes our experience.

  3. There are always infinite opportunities beyond our perspectives.

You are never really stuck where you are – only ever in the way you see.

Honest living doesn't only look good on me; I guarantee it’ll look great on you too.


A Strategy for Smart People Stuck In Self-Doubt


The Identity Trap Hurting High Achievers