I Have Suddenly Become TERRIBLE At Small Talk…

Here's how this goes: 

Person: "Hey, how's business - are you busy?"

Me: Ahhhhhhmmm...
[thinking: Here we go again... How do I explain this without exiting small-talk into a philosophical discussion that could potentially lead them to a mini-existential crisis]

You see, here's my challenge... in my world, these are two questions, not one.

Business is amazing! I'm making excellent money, working with incredible clients worldwide, expressing myself creatively, growing constantly and living my life on my own terms. 

Am I busy? No.


Because I choose not to be. 


→I am ruthless with my boundaries.
→I treat my time as though it is sacred.
→I honour my energy as though it is my most valuable asset (because it is)

If I tell someone I'm not busy, their immediate reaction is of troubling concern, which has been an enlightening observation for me. 

When did being busy and successful become synonymous? Because they're not.

"Busy" at best can mean "active", or "engaged" but it doesn't equal success as most casual small-talk conversationalists infer. 

According to research by Harvard Business Review, the ways money can increase happiness are:

→ Spending on experiences
→ Being generous to others
→ Buying yourself more time

All of which require TIME.

Which could presuppose time is a richer resource than money.

Therefore one might conclude that if you are constantly busy - you are in fact, kinda poor. 😬

You see, not exactly standing in the queue for coffee kinda chat. 😉

Lucky I never much liked small talk anyway.


My newfound social awkwardness aside, I encourage you to reflect on the standards you’re currently accepting when it comes to your time.

Do your boundaries need tweaking?

Are you honouring your time as precious?

Is your energy being ruthlessly protected?

Do you know what you’re sacrificing and why?

And are you ok with that?

This is not a call for you to focus on problem, rather an invitation for you to see the opportunity.

How do you want to feel in response to the question — “Are you busy?” .


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