Are you choosing what matters or letting it choose you?

→ Feeling overwhelmed moving back into “business as usual”?

→ Are your diet and fitness unideal, and you feel guilty about that?

→ Did holidays highlight challenges in important relationships?

→ Asking yourself if this year will be like every other - stressed & not prioritizing yourself?

→ Know there’s plenty to be grateful for but struggling to find that good feeling? 

Let me guess... those experiences are on the back burner because you have more “urgent” things to deal with. Mostly relating to work, bills and obligations to others.

You can’t prioritize your well-being and relationships (yet)… they’ll just have to wait. They’re not as important, right?

→When work has “settled”, THEN you’ll focus on you.

→When you’ve got a little “extra” income, THEN you’ll invest in yourself.

→When everyone else is “happy” and taken care of, THEN it’ll be your time to shine.

AKA “When [my external world] is sorted and I feel *no* fear something *could* go wrong, THEN I’ll focus on the undercurrent of discontent I feel.”

I'm curious, how's that working out for you?

Reality is, if X is the urgent and important stuff in life -  there will always be another X.

X is life.  
All around you. 
All the time.

Are you waiting for perfect conditions before prioritising your personal performance, well-being, leadership, and fulfilment?

Because that’s a damn near perfect way to ensure you never do.

It’s why you’re still here…

Still feeling like you have more to offer as a leader, more to experience as a person and more to express as a partner.

The world will NOT stop time while you get your relationships, health and sense of fulfilment sorted.

You will continue to get older every day that you don’t.

So stop waiting for the world to be something it’s not before you do.

Today you are the wisest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be.

There is no more perfect time than that.

Reality is, there will never be “enough” time, money or energy for everything - but there *is* more than enough for the things you decide matter.

My advice - choose wisely what matters before it chooses you.

Stop saying “soon” when you know the only time is now. ....


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