I Don’t Play By Your “Rules” On Purpose

It is a conscious act of service to my clients to NOT play by the rules of your familiar business world.

I dress, speak and act in my way - not the "professional" ways I know you're mostly surrounded with.

I see it as part of my duty and purpose to live and express myself differently from most.

Of course, I want to live this way; it's not that I do things for you, but my choice not to filter or play them down is intentional.

(Because trust me, my mind tells me I "should" do that all the time.)

To follow the rules is the easy option - to put on a conservative outfit and have professional photos taken in someone else's office is the apparent strategy.

That's what the "Business Coaches" would direct me to do... and it's what most Executive Coaches do.

But I don't choose to play by those rules. Nor do I desire to show up as anything other than who I am -which is a human before a business owner.

I could;

Post only polished photos,
Send you (annoying) scripted DM's,
tell you about all my long-list of credentials,
Invite you to a free event disguised as a gift so I can sell you my services - but that would be entirely against who I am and what I stand for.

I show up as I am, authentically, always.

I act from inspiration and speak from my heart. I don't convince or coerce - I invite, connect, inform and then trust you to make the best decision for you.

My business success relies not on strategy and systems; it's upon excellent service and an easeful experience.

My decisions are not based upon profits first but upon my values and fulfilment.

My purpose is to invite you to live and lead more like this too.

That is, with your values, fulfilment and ease as your priority...

To flip the script on how you see your "success" and, therefore, yourself. If you want to experience new realities, you need to open to new paradigms - which means you NEED people with fresh perspectives.

The point of coaching for performance and fulfilment is expansion, so the broader the variation in perspectives - the bigger you will be invited to play.


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The Allure Of Later