What Do Your Shoelaces & Integrity Have In Common?

You define your standards for integrity. 

So, if you have high standards for yourself, you'll have high expectations around:

  • Getting things done

  • Keeping your word

  • Making sound decisions 

This is an excellent quality!

One which, when you’re out of alignment with it, will wear you down from the inside out.

Walking around with unmet expectations is like strutting around with undone shoelaces. Risky, annoying and hard to ignore.

Being out of integrity drowns us mentally, emotionally & eventually, physically.

If you’re not honouring your word and acting with ruthless authenticity, this wears at your confidence because you KNOW you expect more from yourself. 

Much like your feet detest untied shoelaces, your brain detests actions not aligning with intentions. 

It knows about the:

  • Seven texts you haven’t responded to

  • Decisions you’re avoiding

  • Person you’re hiding the whole truth from

(Oh, and it also knows about the emotion you’re attempting to suppress in relation to all the above.)

These are your open loops. 

Which are unresolved puzzles within your consciousness.

These are the “shoelaces” your mind is unconsciously trying not to stumble over while you attempt to move towards your goals. 

Having your shoelaces flailing about is a nuisance. It’s always best to stop right there and sort them out. 

The same goes for your integrity:

  • Tie the bow in your undone tasks

  • Sort out the places you didn’t speak your truth

  • Tidy up those tough decisions you need to make

You’ll feel more secure, walk more confidently and will be free to focus on where you’re going. 

Use this visualization to help remember the impact of this lesson:

  1. Estimate the number of white lies, unkept promises, hidden true feelings and overdue tasks you currently have in your consciousness. 

  2. Now visualise that number of untied shoelaces hanging from your favourite pair of sneakers.

  3. Next, imagine trying to run in them. 

That is what trying to move towards your goals with a tonne of leaky integrity is like.

Don’t bother a sprint. You’ll be awkward off the start and crash within minutes. 

So, you know what to do. 

In the words of your favourite sneaker maker…


Tie up those loops. 


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