The Identity Trap Hurting High Achievers

The world taught you that your achievements define you…

Which is a dangerous lie to believe.

Your identity is not:

  • What you do

  • How much money you make

  • The goals you’ve accomplished

What matters is:

  • What values you live each day

  • How do you make other people feel

  • Who you show up as on your average Tuesday

Entangling your self-worth with accomplishments leaves you at the mercy of the inevitably inconsistent world around you.

It manifests as:

  • Self-doubt

  • Fear of failure

  • Unhealthy striving

  • Defensiveness to criticism

  • And inconsistent performance

It’s time to break free from this trap.

Your worth is innate; value is merely perceived.

Don’t confuse the two.


Escaping My Existential Crisis


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